Staying Motivated In Health and Fitness Programs
Health is probably the most important aspect of our lives, and the one that we tend to take for granted most of the time. We are all on that elusive path that might lead us to happiness, but in order to do that, having good health is a must.
You can have a successful career, plenty of money in the bank, but it all amounts to nothing if you don’t take care of yourself. In order to be healthy, you have to be mindful of 3 things: proper nutrition, regular exercise, and the right state of mind. Establishing those is actually easy enough, but it’s the motivation that is often to problem.
Whether it is a new healthy eating program or an effort to get fit and do some exercise - lack of motivation is the devil that stops most people from achieving their goals. It doesn't have to be that way, but as always in life, you need to make an effort in the first place - make an effort to stay motivated!
Let’s see what you can do to improve.
Use Videos as Inspiration
Like we pointed out, having the right mindset is crucial in keeping yourself motivated. Since most of us are visual beings it helps us to visualize the goal while we work hard on achieving it. But, even our brain and our imagination need help every once in a while, so it’s a good idea to scour the internet for some inspiring videos of your favorite athletes, for example.
Find out what it is that keeps them motivated, how much work they put in, as well as their passion and list of achievements. Learning by example is one of the best tools you have in your toolbox.
This approach is also applicable to your diet, as well. If you like to eat and prepare healthy, balanced meals, there are tons of cooking shows and YouTube out there for you to watch. Try out new recipes, change them, or even come up with some of your own. Once you get those creative juices flowing, you will have no problem staying motivated.
Listen to Music - Motivating Music
There’s nothing like your favorite tune to keep you motivated and keen on achieving your goal. For instance, put on your some of your favorite tunes that are guaranteed to keep your spirits up - something up beat and inspiring.
Once you approach the subject in such manner, you will obtain the right mindset and perform your tasks without a hitch. If you are working out, blast some songs that will push you further that tiny extra bit. Use the speakers on your elliptical machine to blast out those tracks to help push you further - it can really help, try it and see. (Other exercise machines are available!)
Take the Time to Reflect
Although tension and hard work are crucial components of every workout, you must also take the time to relax, and not just physically. If you can, set a bit of time each day to isolate yourself from your problems and worries, and clear your mind. Just enjoy that very moment you are in at that time.
Of course, it’s always great if you have a spot where you can isolate yourself, but you can do that anywhere, even your office, or a street. As a result, you will be more calm and collected, even though you will be working out hard.
Find the Right Exercise Gear
Another thing that will keep you coming back to the gym is the right sports equipment. For starters, try to find something that you feel comfortable in, but which also flatters your figure. The last thing you want is feeling self-conscious about what you are wearing. Go with something that will allow for a good range of movement.
Also, since you will sweating a lot, the material has to allow the skin to breathe. Gym gear can be expensive, but if you keep your eye on sales, you can save a few bucks.
Keep Your Fridge Full of Healthy Supplies
Even if you stick to your workout routine 100%, you still can’t afford to eat junk food. You cannot exercise your way out of poor nutrition, period.
Before and after an intensive workout, your body needs nutrients to replenish itself and keeps its energy levels high. Proper nutrition is an area where you are not allowed to cheat. Yes, we will agree that organic food is more expensive that regular food, but it is worth every penny.
Try to focus on how your body feels after you’ve switched to organic. When you eat organic, you will feel the benefits. Sweets and junk food may be tasty, for a few seconds, while you are chewing on them, but your body will suffer for it long time after.
Your concentration, weight, energy levels, mood, digestion, sleep and lots of other stuff are influenced by what you eat. Not so expensive now, is it?
In order to resist the temptation to binge on pizza and chocolate, keep your kitchen stocked with plenty of healthy options that you like. That way, whenever you feel hungry, you will have something nutritious to lean on.
Of course, you are not a robot, so you can treat yourself every once in a while to something unhealthy, but those binges should not make up more than 10% of your diet. Those 90% should consist out of healthy, organic food.
Supermarkets are convenient, but if you take the time to visit your local farmers market, you will find that they are cheaper, because farmers come to the market with the intention of selling everything that they’ve brought, which also means all the produce will be fresh.
The Summary
If you manage to implement some of these tips and techniques, you will have no problem staying on track and being motivated to keep up this new, healthy lifestyle.
Top Tip - keep going even when you travel - too many people fall out of step and lose focus, making it difficult to pick up when you come home!
The biggest tip is to stop and think about what you are trying to achieve every now and then - don't lose your focus.
The best thing about them is that you can start implementing them today, and it will not cost you much. Having the right mindset is crucial, and in order to keep it up, follow these simple rules and you will see the positive change in your life very soon. Good luck!